пятница, 11 марта 2011 г.

News from the shops

Today was also new stores of Brazilian Shop realised.
From Underneath Stardoll:
Stardoll has added more items to the store Windows on the World. They have been released before for the Windows on the World things that didn't have their own store but were in the featured section of starplaza. In case you were wondering, c.neeon is German, Eva Minge is Polish, Carin Wester is Swedish, Minna Parikka is Finish, Oscar de la Renta is from the Dominican Republic and most of the other designers are Brazillian. Also interior items were added to the shop.. what do you think? ;) 

I think, they're going to combine all the national-attractions inspired line, that we had before with this clothes. Clothes are good, but too expensive. Ok, so there are some pictures, showing you the change:
1.There is a Moscow Inspired Interior upper. 
2. There is an interior element, we had got later.
I think, soon it's going to be updated by Greece interior and Spanish/Turkish (I don't remember)
Hm, I don't like this, and you?
There is also a spoiler of new shop;
New York Pop Shop.
Now, we have Japanese version of it, Tokio Pop Shop, and I can't wait on realiseng this shop. ;)

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