вторник, 8 февраля 2011 г.

Free Bieber Items

Hello, my awesomes! I'm in love with this new amazing Justin Bieber Collection and have some for you:
¬Free Glasses:
Use the port 80
1. Clean Cookies;
2. Paste this: http://www.stardoll.com/en/clubs/home.php?id=2539347
3. Log in;

4.Scroll down and choose the glasses:

5. Invite 5 people.
6. Glasses are in the Beaty Parlol;

¬Free jacket:
Update: First we need     to learn your id: 

Just go HERE to learn it. (Stardoll.com>My page>My account>Settings>My id)

Copy id.

1. But in URL bar this link:


After `=` you need to paste your id.

Follow the link and press orange button "Enter"

Sign the forms.

It's in your suite now:

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